To practice learners’ listening skill, it does not always through listening to the recording and answer the question in the piece of paper. In this digital era, the teacher can change the traditional method of listening exercise. The teacher can use an alternative media such as from interactive website that builds for listening purpose. Using interactive website is recommended for the teacher so it makes different learning atmosphere than using the traditional method. The following are the interactive websites that the teacher can apply to practice learners’ listening skill:
Ted.Ed is an interactive website that consists of the video that related to education. Ted.Ed is different from the common TED. In the common ted is a website about the speech from any kind of subjects and topics. However, ted.ed focuses more on education, and the video is created in animation so that it is more interesting. The teacher also can create a lesson and quizzes from the video.
British council kids is the website that focuses on children learning. This website provides a lot of podcast that the teacher can use especially young learners for practicing listening. In that website also provides listening materials in form of animation and some tasks for practice learners’ listening skill.
This listening website provides a music video with lyrics and in the video, there are some missing lyrics. And to keep the song play, the player should fill the right lyrics in the video. This website is like a fill a lyric game. Lyric training is an interesting listening website for the teacher to use it rather than fill the lyric in the piece of paper and listen to the tape. The teacher also can create the missing lyric by her/himself with the music video that provided and create a quiz in that website.
Same with the name, this website offers a lot of listening material from native English.
*This is the first page of TED.Ed
The teacher can create a listening exercise in TED.ED website instead of giving a piece of paper to the student and listen to the recording. by creating a quiz from the video that provided.

The teacher also can receive students' score in teacher's page.
Reflection of TELL CLASS
What I learned from in TELL subject especially when discussed technology in Listening Skill. I learned so many things. I learned some new technology that can be used for teaching listening skill. I also learned that in implementing the technology, the teacher should consider what content knowledge that would offer to the student and the culture of the video that might be different from students' culture.
*This is the first page of TED.Ed
The teacher can create a listening exercise in TED.ED website instead of giving a piece of paper to the student and listen to the recording. by creating a quiz from the video that provided.
The teacher also can receive students' score in teacher's page.
What I learned from in TELL subject especially when discussed technology in Listening Skill. I learned so many things. I learned some new technology that can be used for teaching listening skill. I also learned that in implementing the technology, the teacher should consider what content knowledge that would offer to the student and the culture of the video that might be different from students' culture.
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