Technology for Writing

Technology for writing skill
Implementing the use of technology in the teaching writing can do by applying the website that available on the internet. Using website for teaching writing activity give many opportunities for students rather than only give them writing task and write it into a piece of paper. The opportunities that students can receive from using website especially interactive website are students can create collaborative writing with their friends. They can learn from their wrong in grammar, as the website usually provide grammar checker. Using website or technology in the classroom is also good to build students’ creativity. They can learn any kind of writing not only that is taught at the school. They will learn that their writing is not merely for their assignment but it also can be something pleasure activity for them.
The teacher can get some advantages from using technology in the classroom. The teacher can receive students’ work through email or from the website that is created. By applying technology such as using website also help the teacher to give feedback for students’ work.
List of technology that can be used in writing:
1.     Glogster 
     The website for creating a poster. By using this website, it can help students to create their writing in form of poster.
2.      PADLET 
       this is a website that can use for the student to write collaboratively.
3.      Wordpress
4.      Blogger
5.      Squarespace
       It is a blog that the teacher can use for asking the students to write their writing and post it on their blog named Squarespace
6.      Notemesh 
    This is a website for students to put their note and the viewers also can be as collaborator to add some information. The teacher can use this website to practice students’ writing, by asking them to create a note collaboratively.

Reflection during TELL class

Based on learning activity in the TELL class, I learned that the teacher can use the technology that created for writing purposes for teaching and learning activity. We can use the website such as blog and others as the media to put students' works. The teacher also can design the website for writing purposes. I also learned that using technology as in nowadays it gives opportunities to do writing work collaboratively. the teacher can use this such kind of technology so students can do their work together by using the technology. In addition. Learning technology for teaching writing purposes also can help the teacher create a different experience for students.

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